Extra-curricula Activities

In this module, we aim to present a variety of events (cultural, artistic, training, scientific, recreational) that aim at the psychological, scientific, mental and spiritual development of the student's personality. Provide it with skills, experience and leisure time to offer activities in an optional, free manner that takes into account student talents, desires and desires.


• To affirm the duty of students to serve their country and to interact with the issues of their society.
• Cultivate a broad relationship base with the community through joint activities.
• Strengthening students’ capacity to take responsibility and to enhance the burden of life.
• closer connections between students and their teachers to make students benefit from their experience and behavior.
• closer fraternal ties between students and stronger spirit of alliance, cooperation, and love among students.
Creative students can be employed in their field of specialization before and after graduation.
• To absorb and benefit positively from students' energy through various activities.
• Contribute guidance, guidance, and discipline through the activity.

Means and mechanisms:

1. Courses Training, lectures, symposia and workshops.
2 – awareness and extension bulletins.
3. Religious, scientific and national competitions .
4. Substantive and recreational activities.
5 – Scientific and recreational excursions.