The Services Department plays a vital role and functions aimed at serving students and university staff from the administrative and teaching bodies, promoting the level of service provided and maintaining university property, maintaining security on campus, and organizing student and visitor entry. It also provides all necessary services to the university's guests and official visitors by providing the necessary means of transportation, keeping all the university facilities clean, providing health conditions, observing and monitoring the general safety of all the university's facilities, and making periodic maintenance of all the university's equipment and facilities. The gardens are also equipped and well-looked after.


– to maintain the safety and security of employees and students.
– take the necessary measures to maintain security and order within the campus.
- keep the university and all its facilities clean.
– provide the right atmosphere for the conduct of the educational process.
- providing hospitality services to staff and visitors.
- to work on the provision of mobility and mobility to service employees and students.
– to maintain and maintain the operation of various equipment and equipment.
- to increase the efficiency and confidence of the staff of the Service.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

– take action to maintain security And order inside the campus.

– observe the behavior of students on campus and maintain their security and safety.

– organize access to university campuses, workers and cars.

– Prevent friction between students, And to control violent and violent situations among themselves.

Maintain security and order during university examinations.-

-Perform cleaning functions in the offices of staff, corridors, facilities, roads and classrooms of the University and all its various facilities.

– undertaking the agriculture and afforestation work of the university gardens.

– Provide all the logistical support needed for staff.

-To ensure the transport services required by the nature of the work at the university.

-Supplies for the University of electricity, plumbing, carpentry, smelleths and paint maintenance.


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