• Mission of Israa University

The mission of Israa University provides for a high quality education, along with, developing students’ sense of ethics, morality, and social responsibility. Academic integrity at Israa University is a fundamental institutional value governing its Community. Members of Israa University Community, comprising of students, faculty, and staff, are expected to promote ethical behavior and maintain the highest standards of academic, personal, and professional integrity in all facets of study, research, work, and the pursuit of career objectives.

The Academic Integrity Office Structure

As a part of the measures aimed at maintaining an environment characterized with Academic integrity (AI), Israa University has stared an Academic Integrity Policy (AIP) in 2015.

To ensure the full implementation of AIP as well as building an infrastructure to support and sustain the highest standards of ethics at all levels of the institution, In accordance with above mentioned point, Israa University has created the Academic Integrity Office (AIO).

The broad objective of AIO is to promote, foster, and maintain a culture of academic integrity and the highest standards of ethics for all constituents at Israa University. This objective will be achieved through a continuous process of:

    1. Raising awareness and sensitivity towards issues related to ethics, morality, and personal responsibility, as well as, educating the Israa University community regarding different aspects of AI.
    2. Implementing the provisions of AIP.

Mission Statement

Promoting and supporting academic integrity throughout the University community, fostering an environment of academic trust, honesty, fairness, respect, and responsibility within its student, faculty and staff bodies, and exhibiting and upholding Israa University Code of Honor

The mission of AIO establishes the following mandates. These mandates are achieved through the support of the Office of the Provost, and in collaboration with the Heads of academic and non-academic units.

    • Creating an environment where students, faculty, and staff are recognized for having high levels of integrity.
    • Promoting academic integrity as an indispensable part of students’ personal and intellectual growth.
    • Increasing students, faculty and staff’s awareness of issues related to academic integrity.
    • Fostering a climate of trust, honesty, and high standards of ethics in the pursuit of academic excellence.
    • Promoting a commitment to honesty and integrity among all members of the University community; and
    • Implementing the provisions of AIP.

Goals, Objectives, and the Responsibilities of AIO

The role of AIO is educational, informational, investigatory, and advisory. Its main duties and responsibilities are to reinforce the culture of academic integrity at Israa University by:

    • Raising awareness related to the issue of academic integrity
    • Providing advice and counseling to students to help prevent violations of the provisions of AIP
    • Producing and delivering tutorials and workshops on academic integrity for new and returning undergraduate and graduate students, and new faculty and staff
    • Developing materials, displays, audio-visual material, printed material, and all other forms of communications related to the issue of academic integrity
    • Highlighting Israa University’s expectations for honorable behavior
    • Working closely with Colleges and support units to coordinate and provide education about academic integrity for all members of the campus community
    • Providing procedural expertise and support to faculty and staff to ensure they appreciate the value of academic integrity
    • Training faculties on plagiarism prevention systems such as Turnitin
    • Proposing and implementing ways and means to discourage violations of AIP
    • Processing allegations of academic integrity violations
    • Coordinating University-wide academic integrity initiatives
    • Maintaining and updating the University academic integrity Webpage

Operational Activities of Academic Integrity Office

  • Introduction

It is important to Israa University that its residents abide with a common bond of mutual understanding of expectations on the conduct of honor and related behaviors. The Code of Honor is a tool to use to communicate the expectations, and have confirmed understanding by signature of compliance to it).

Each member of the Israa University Community is required to abide by the tenets of the Code of Honor. All faculties, staff and students are expected to sign a copy of the Code, which will then be placed in their individual files. Those who violate the University Code of Honor will be held accountable for their actions and will receive disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment or dismissal from Israa University.

A standard form is to be used, written in either English or Arabic. The form that is attached to this policy is the Standard English version.



On my honor as Israa University student/faculty/staff, I pledge that I have a clear understanding and explicit acceptance of Israa University’s Code of Honor.

    • Support and comply with all policies of Israa University and help my colleagues to comply.
    • Perform my tasks and activities in utmost good faith, objectivity, transparency, competence, due care, and professionalism.
    • Abide by the highest standards of politeness and good conduct.
    • Refrain from any act or omission that may, directly or indirectly, constitute a breach of academic and/or professional integrity.
    • Deal with my colleagues in the spirit of professional friendship.
    • Remain accountable and responsible for all my acts and omissions, and contributing to promoting a culture of trustworthiness in the society.
    • Exercise my best endeavors to support and promote Israa University in upholding its excellence and progression as a leading academic institution.
    • Uphold the principles of non-discrimination, equality, truthfulness, fairness, and respect in all actions.
    • Refrain from undertaking any act inconsistent with the noble and dignified nature of the University.
    • Embrace the highest ethical standards and above-mentioned principles even in cases of disputes or grievances.
    • Cheating– Cheating is an act that diminishes learning process and is intended to gain grades and academic advantages without actually doing the intellectual work that merits the grades or degree. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
      • Copying another person’s test answers during an exam.
      • Exchanging information regarding an exam during the exam.
      • Copying answers from notes such as those written on the body, clothing, pieces of paper, or electronic devices such as mobile phones and/or calculators.
      • Obtaining a copy of or information about an exam ahead of time.
      • Looking up answers in a book when the exam is specifically a closed book exam.
      • Buying projects and term papers.
      • Copying from someone else’s paper, project or assignment.
      • Using notes or books during exams unless expressly allowed by the instructor.
      • Hiring a surrogate test taker.
      • Bringing forbidden materials such as calculators, computers, books, or notes into the exam unless expressly allowed by the instructor.
      • Communicating with other students regarding the examination during the exam.
      • Failing to switch off a mobile phone during the exam.
    • Plagiarism –Plagiarism means representing another person’s work as the student’s own without acknowledgments. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It means that students have submitted work for grading that they have not written themselves. Hence, there is no way to know if students have learned the material or merely copied it. While students may source direct quotes and pieces of texts, these should be used to support ideas. Even if all the sources have been properly cited, extensive copying is unacceptable, as students using their own thoughts and words can only demonstrate understanding. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to:
      • Borrowing all or part of another student’s paper or using someone else’s outline.
      • Using the same paper for multiple classes.
      • Submitting the same paper in two different courses and submitting it as the student’s own work
    • Fabrication of Data – Fabrication is the falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Fabricated information or data may not be used in any laboratory experiment or research project. Examples of fabrication of data include, but are not limited to:
      • Deliberately misreporting results of an experiment or field research.
      • Inventing data and resources for written, oral, or other presentations.
      • Inventing case studies and relevant facts in reports, papers, or presentations.
    • Presenting false credentials– Presenting false or misleading credentials on applications, CV’s, and any other documents presented as part of the student’s life constitutes academic dishonesty. Examples of presenting false credentials include but are not limited to:
      • Claiming degrees that were not earned.
      • Failing to report colleges and universities attended.
      • Presenting falsified transcripts.
      • Presenting falsified information.
      • Falsely claiming employment.
      • Misrepresenting status.
      • Using fake ID cards.
    • Collusion -- Collusion occurs when students work together on a piece for assessed work when “working together” is not allowed. Collusion can occur when students copy from each other. Evidence of collusion on students’ papers occurs when two or more papers have similar or identical wording. An individual student’s understanding cannot be assessed if “ownership” of the assignment cannot be determined. A student who “lends” his paper to other students is just as guilty as those who have copied from it, and unless it can be proven with absolute certainty, who wrote the original paper, the “lender” will be faced with academic penalties.
    • Free Riding – When assigned to work in collaborative groups, all students should participate in the activity or project. Students who could not demonstrate their contribution to the group work/activity will be considered as cheaters.

Penalty for Academic Integrity Violations

All instances of violations of the AIP are subject to sanctions, including dismissal for cheating, other academically related egregious acts of deceptions and/or reckless disregard for the principle of academic integrity. Under special circumstances and/or based on lesser degree of severity of AIP violations, lower sanctions may be imposed.

Students found in violation of AIP for the second time will be subject to more heightened sanctions. Students found in violation of AIP for the third time will be subject to dismissal from Israa University. Imposition of any sanction for violation of AIP is subject to due-process being carried out, availability of sufficient evidence being examined, the adjudication process being completed, and the process of appeal being exhausted.

Students dismissed from Israa University for violation of AIP will receive a failing grade (F) in the course in which the violation has occurred and Administrative Withdrawals (WA) in all other courses taken in the same semester. Students dismissed from Israa University for violation of AIP are not eligible for receiving any refunds of tuition fees.


  • For any assistance, clarifications, or inquiry, please contact the Academic Integrity Office at
