
Public Relations Department:  
The administration aims to provide a suitable environment to increase the contribution of the University in the development of the society. There for, to introduce various activities and services provided by the administration. Also to Strengthen the University relationship with Media institutions. In addition, to raise community awareness about  the University mission and objectives and its policy and achievements.

1. Organizing events and conferences
2. Reserving halls and facilities of Public Relations and Media Department.
3. Preparing all the facilities belonging to the department.
4. Receiving delegations and dignitaries.
5. Approving permits to admit supplies into the department's facilities.
6. To do media coverage and to release news and ads on social media (media4ksu).

The Units of Public Relations Department:
1. The Unit of Events and Conferences
2. The Unit of Protocol and Relationships
3. Department of Media

Director of Public Relations Department:

Bassam Al-Sarafandi

Contact us:
Email: public_relation@israa.edu.ps


Public Relations Department